Never Do These 7 Things In The Caribbean!

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The sun on the islands would be a lot stronger than you are used to, which is why you should not just slap some sunscreen in the morning and then completely forget about it. You truly don’t want to spend the rest of your vacation in pain with a burnt-looking skin.

As you swim, remember that the sun would be affecting your skin more because the water reflects the UV rays. So make sure to make your sunscreen a habit and avoid the sun completely between 11 AM and 3 PM.


Ignoring the warnings from locals and beach signs

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It would be incredible to stumble across a beach that’s completely empty, but once you ignore the warning sign or flag, then you are just putting yourself in danger. There is obviously a reason why a beautiful beach would be empty: It could be a dangerous animal lurking around, strong currents, or crashing waves.

Remember that not all the Caribbean beaches have warning flags or lifeguards, and that’s why it is wise to control your sense of adventure and follow the advice locals tell you about where to swim. Keep in mind that sometimes, your safety matters more than a “wild” memory!

Not getting bug spray

Again, the islands are nothing like your home. You never know what bug would be interested in feasting on your blood when you are out there trying to relax.

All tourists must protect themselves from the many dangerous bug-borne diseases that could be transferred to their bodies through a bite of an infected mosquito such as chikungunya. You could notice that bugs are a big issue on the islands if you sat outside around dusk at the beach.

So as you are packing your swimsuit, make sure to pack some travel-sized bug spray as well, or you can just purchase it when you get there.


Traveling without insurance

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No matter what’s your next destination is, it is important to get travel insurance, and when it comes to the Caribbean and traveling during hurricane season, then the insurance becomes a necessity.



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