11 Simple Ways To Save 50k In One Year To Travel The World!

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Plus, it is about time to start treating your body better by cooking only healthy things. You will need a healthier body to be able to see the world anyway!

Forget the cable

©Consumer Reports

If you have access to the internet, then what do you need the cable for?

The internet allows you to watch whatever is displayed on your TV and more, from trashy TV shows, movies, to commercials. So, why not get rid of this expense, and spend only $8/month on Hulu or Netflix accounts instead?

They can provide you with more movies and shows that TV could ever have. Otherwise, you can spend more time outside, working out, chatting with friends or reading.

No more bar nights


Nothing compares to a night out with friends after a long day at work. But doing this almost every night will just cost so much, did you ever think about that?

Of course, you can still enjoy some of your favorite beverages –sometimes we need it, but just have some self-control over what you drink.

The best thing to do is buy a yummy pizza with your friends, get some cards, and have a great night in. You will not even have to worry about getting an Uber when you are extremely drunk!

Work two jobs


You are still young, your body still has a lot of energy to give, and your soul is not ready to act “old” yet. So take advantage of this age and get a second job on the weekends. You probably already waste those days doing nothing or just spending more money. Instead, use the free time and earn more dollar bills.

If your current job is already hard enough, then consider an easy second job like walking the dogs, being a waiter in the early morning hours, a bartender in a calm pub, etc. There are no excuses, and your savings will be impressively boosted.

Take public transportation


If you have a car, then you already know how much it costs to move it around, even if it’s just from your work to home only. It is best to turn cheaper and greener by spending a few dollars on your local bus or train, instead of a cab, Uber, or your car.



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