This Is The Food That You Can Take Through The Airport Security


Last Updated on January 7, 2021

No worries, your baby is not going to stay hungry while you are on the go! You are allowed to take the baby food with you through the TSA point if the amounts are more than the allowed quantity!

However, expect some additional time at the inspection point as agents will be opening any container that’s over 4 ounces.

#6 – Fresh Fruit

Fresh Fruit

© Pexels

The healthiest foods you can ever snack on while on the plane are fresh fruits. However, not everyone can afford to buy them at the airport as they are very expensive!
In this case, the best option you have is to bring your own apples and oranges and feel free to take them through airport security!

#7 – Pet Food

Pet Food

© Pinterest

If you are willing to take your furry buddy with you on vacation, make sure you bring their food on board so that they don’t stay hungry!

However, what you need to keep in mind is that dry or ‘moist’ pet food can exceed the 3-1-1 rule and you can pack it in your carry-on bag. But, in case you need to take wet pet food through airport security, then you will need to follow the 3-1-1 rule when going in your carry-on.

#8 – Breast Milk And Formula

Breast Milk and formula

© Medium

Moms who have newly given birth to their babies are allowed to bring baby formula and breast milk on a plane in reasonable quantities. But in such cases, the new moms should be aware of the additional inspection.

Also, it is good to know that if the milk is kept in a small cooler with ice packs, moms have to make sure that the ice packs are completely frozen when going through the TSA!

#9 – Sandwiches


© PappaRoti

Sandwiches are acceptable and you can feel free to take them through the airport security! You just need to make sure it’s well wrapped in a plastic or a bag.

For further information, we strongly recommend that you check the TSA’s official website and have a look at all the food items that you are allowed to bring on a plane and those that you can’t bring!



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