Things Tourists Do That Locals of These 10 Countries Hate!

Last Updated on September 3, 2020

Several tourist habits annoy locals, such as:

Feeding animals with inappropriate food. Tourists fail to inform themselves about the animals’ diet or if the food they give them is good or bad for them.

Taking photos of animals with flash. The flash from cameras and smartphones scares animals and leaves them completely frozen.

Leaving garbage everywhere you go without worrying about who is living there and what the place will be.

Disrupting the habits of wild animals and enjoy the accent and cultural practices of Australians and indigenous people living in Australia.

4. Brazil – Flaunting Wealth and Belittle Local People

One of the things that the Brazilian people do not support is when tourists arrive in their country with the attitude of a Hollywood diva – it is a real lack of respect.

Many of them, and without realizing it, go with expensive clothes, sneakers, watches, designer sunglasses, and many other accessories and jewelry.

This is inappropriate behavior that ends up attracting the attention of unwanted people: of the criminals who make a living from assaulting tourists and of individuals who feel threatened by the ostentation of wealth.

Brazilians are typically humble, friendly, and very welcoming people. In Brazil, you find landscapes and natural riches of extraordinary beauty. However, some tourists think that just because they have money, they can do whatever they want in Brazilians, but it is necessary to know how to show respect.

5. Portugal – Confusing the Portuguese with Spanish

The rivalry between Portugal and Spain is historical and has been going on for several centuries – these two countries even divided the world into two equal parts.

So imagine that you arrive in one of these countries and start treating the locals as if they are the inhabitants of your rival. This is what the Portuguese feel when tourists mistake them for Spaniards.

Educated travelers do not approach the Portuguese on the street as if they were Spanish – they are two very different countries, although both are Latin.

6. Finland – Getting Too Close To People



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