10 Of The Happiest Places On Earth You Really Need To Visit

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Kilkenny is named as the 9th friendliest site worldwide for people there are quite nice, friendly and kind to whoever comes and visits them. The fact that they socialize a lot makes them the happiest people in Ireland.


San Francisco, USA

© youthhostels.lu

It is among the best known American cities. The gorgeous neighborhoods, the golden sandy beaches, the parks, and museums are the primary tourist attractions in the city. Not to mention it hosts the largest Chinatown in North America.

Exciting! The most famous site in San Francisco is the Golden Gate Bridge which is also the most photographed and filmed spot in many Hollywood movies. Cable cars in the city can take on unforgettable tours to different places, as they were first used in 1873 to assist the locals in their daily activities through the city’shills.

The Chinatown it includes got demolished in the 1906-earthquake but was rebuilt once again to be more attractive. San Francisco is by default the fun and entertainment city in the US. The solo-traveler-kind of people seem to like this place.

Regardless of the fact that these cities are the happiest ones on the face of the earth, they still suffer from several problems on their own. There are always questions regarding living costs, remoteness, and safety that arise, but they are at least worth it to visit. So, give it a try!




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