10 Annoying Things That Happen To Your Body When Flying!

Last Updated on March 20, 2020

So what can you do to prevent these terrible issues? While you might think that you should just leave your seat and take a short walk every now and then, it’s actually a bad idea because it can be very risky in case of sudden turbulence, or cause traffic jams and chaos if too many passengers decided to stretch their legs at the same time.

Experts recommend doing some simple movements while sitting, like extension, flexion, and rotation every 15 minutes.

This will work for passengers who don’t have any health issues or risks. As for those who are at risk of deep vein thrombosis (those who are obese, pregnant, older than forty, having serious or chronic diseases, or currently on birth control pills), they should consider using compression stockings or even anticoagulant drugs if necessary.

8. You may suffer from dehydration

The air that passengers inhale on a plane can be very dry because it comes from outside of the aircraft, which is flying at an immense altitude. This means that breathing in the air found in the plane cabin can make your body dehydrated, leading to fatigue later on.

If you want to prevent these unpleasant sensations, it’s best to drink plenty of water. Ideally, you should start frequently sipping water before you get on the plane, then continue sipping until you reach your destination.

7. You may be farting more than usual

In fact, the gas in your body can expand up to twenty-five percent because of pressure. According to physics, as the airplane climbs higher in the sky, the external pressure gets decreased and the gas found in human bodies expands oppositely to pressure. That’s how you get bloated and feel the urge to fart among your fellow travelers.

While holding gas in is a really bad idea, you should just let it out. Although it would be so much better if you can get to the bathroom first.

6. Your ears can start popping

The air pressure changes can also affect your ears, causing a temporary pressure sensation until your ears naturally pop back to normal. Although this isn’t a serious issue, many people may find it annoying.



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