10 Most Annoying Things You Probably Do On A Plane

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Eating smelly food

© Shutterstock

Most of the meals the airline offers are expensive and not delicious, so bringing your own foods and snacks from home is not a bad idea. But you really don’t have to bring something with a strong smell that could turn the stomach of your neighbor.

You know they can’t crack their windows open and their noses are just a few feet away from your tray table. Maybe you like your food with that extra spicy curry, but considering others is a necessity, too.



Removing your shoes

© Travel + Leisure

Shoes are very important, they help us walk and keep our balance, but most importantly, they contain foot odor. Removing them on a plane may be very comforting to you, but it is extremely painful to the people around you.

Trust me, no one wants to know what your feet smell like, especially that 90% of passengers claimed that barefoot air travel is a big No, according to Expedia’s 2018 Airplane and Hotel Etiquette Study.



Wearing too much perfume

© Pizza In Motion

Just as much as people wouldn’t like to smell your feet, they wouldn’t also like being drugged by your perfume during the whole flight, too. As well as not wearing any cologne at all. Just make sure to take a nice shower before heading to the airport, wear your deodorant and that should be enough.

Too much of any smell is just going to disturb them and could even lead them to feel sick during the flight. I am sure you don’t want to be the person who causes all that!



Not wearing headphones

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