14 Rude Airplane Habits You Should Stop Doing!


Last Updated on March 9, 2021


9. Let Your Children Run Wild

Of course, parents also have responsibilities, and even though babies can’t be held accountable for screaming, children running wild and bothering the other passengers is kind of the parent’s job to avoid. Kids jumping on their seat or using the table tray as a drum is simply lack of good manners.

10. Taking Off Your Shoes

Once again, this is not your home, this is not a spa, and it can be pretty uncomfortable to travel next to someone who simply takes of their smelly shoes and simply wiggles their toes around.

11. Time Bathroom Breaks Poorly

Sometimes when we have to go, we have to go, and when it comes to long flights it is kind of hard to avoid using the bathroom. But if your flight is short, go to the bathroom before embarking – and please, do not try to use the plane bathroom right after boarding, since this can slow down the departure process.

12. Pick A Fight With Another Passenger

It is super unnecessary to pick a fight with someone you don’t know and with whom you will only share a couple of hours. So, if someone’s attitude is bothering you, talk to them directly but politely and avoid being loud or unnecessarily rude.

13. Recline Into Someone’s Knees

The reclining option is really good for people who want a bit of extra comfort, but you need to remember that other people deserve comfort too. So, if you must recline your seat, do it in a way you won’t end up basically laying on the lap of the person who is sitting behind you.

14. Exit Before The People Ahead Of You

Just like a bus, everyone wants to exit the plane, but be considerate enough not to jump ahead of the people who are in front of you, and this criterion applies even if you have no luggage. However, if you are about to catch a second flight and there is a chance you might miss that connection, you can and should share that concern with a flight attendant and ask for their assistance to leave the plane faster.


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