15 Secrets about flying on planes You Should Know About

Last Updated on January 14, 2020

You can be one of those persons that spend half of their life doing flight bookings, but even if you are an expert flyer, there are still some secrets you will probably not know. But don’t worry, this is what we are here for, to provide you with all the things that flight attendants and industry experts know, but the general public doesn’t.


#1 – Emergency oxygen mask will only last 15 minutes

We bet this is one of the travel secrets you didn’t see coming, and it might sound terrifying that those first-aid oxygen masks only last for as little as 15 minutes, but truly, you have nothing to worry about. A pilot will take less than 15 minutes to drop the plane to a safe altitude, so the real concern if you ever have to use a plane oxygen mask is to make sure that you get the mask on as soon as you can, because cabin air can drop to unsafe levels in 30 seconds. These situations are rare, but just in case, it is always good to have travel insurance.

#2 – There are secret codes

It might sound like something from a movie, but it’s not. Sometimes you will hear chimes or bells during your flight, and this is actually a secret code the crew uses to communicate across the cabin. They can be referring to simple things like lack of snacks or turbulence, or something more serious like the need for a route change.

#3 – You can’t, technically, die on a flight

Flight attendant programs include first aid and resuscitation training, but the vast majority of flights won’t have anyone qualified to declare time of death during the flight. So, technically, there is no way, in the legal sense, anyone can have a mid-flight death. If someone dies, according to BBC, their death will only be official once the plane lands.

#4 – A dead person on a plane will remain on their seat

If someone dies in an overbooked flight and there is no empty row in which the crew can lay down the body, the dead person will have to be sat and belted into their designated seat and remain there until the end of the trip. However, the deceased passenger will be covered with a blanket.



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