8 Signs You Are A Terrible Traveler!

Last Updated on March 29, 2021


6. You don’t respect the cultural differences

When you are visiting a country with a completely different culture, you have to do your best to adapt. Don’t just expect everyone to speak perfect English and behave similarly to your fellow countrymen. Make an effort to speak the local language, even if it is only basic things such as “hello” and “thank you.” Locals will certainly appreciate your effort. Culture and manners will be a lot different, and that’s why traveling is so much fun. Always keep in mind that you are privileged to be able to explore a different country and get in touch with a different culture. Enjoy your experience abroad, and be respectful. PS: Don’t take pictures of random locals without asking for permission. That’s somewhat rude.

7. You Spend Too Much Time Taking Photos

Photos are important. They are beautiful souvenirs that remain for posterity and that one day later will help us revive our memory. It is also fun to post a couple of travel photos on our social media for our followers to enjoy. But you don’t have to be constantly taking pictures. Put your smartphone down for a while, and enjoy the place you are visiting. See everything through your own eyes instead of through the phone’s camera lens.

8. Don’t be too cheap

There’s nothing wrong with being a cheap traveler. This is a very common mindset, especially among young backpack travelers who don’t have much money to spend. But being frugal doesn’t mean being cheap. You can stay at low-cost hotels, take the bus to move around the city, and eat at cheap local restaurants (sometimes these restaurants turn out amazing!). That’s fine. Just don’t try to haggle with local vendors and taxi drivers firmly.


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