9 Bad Decisions You Should Never Make On A Cruise

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

You focus on the price rather than the weather


Depending on the low prices, there is no better time to cruise the Caribbean than between September and December. But didn’t you think about the reason why the prices are low at that exact period of time?

Well, because it would be the hurricane season!

If you went on a cruise at that time, then there is a high chance you will find yourself in the middle of those terrifying storms that may take your life.

So don’t opt for prices over the weather, or you will end up losing more than winning. At least protect your heart from a possible trauma, being in the middle of an ocean during a hurricane is not a joke!

You dine recklessly


If you are no stranger to cruises, then you already know they offer food that would just sicken the travelers. In fact, doctors always ask their gastroenteritis patients if they have eaten anything at a buffet.

The reason is eating something that has been lingered over by many people or left out for way too long can lead you to catch the norovirus.

You need to take precautions when you are eating something on the cruise, for example, if a food item tastes or looks funny, then let it be. Drink enough water and avoid alcoholic beverages, stay on the deck for as long as you can to breathe in the salty air, and don’t forget the sunscreen.

Not keeping a budget for added expenses


You know you will be setting yourself up for trouble if you decided that your entire “cruise” budget is going to be what you pay to get onboard. Here is the thing: You might be on a strict vacation budget, and you would find cheap prices to get in. But once you are onboard, that’s where they will get you.

You will need to pay for everything you are asking for: If you want bottled water, then 4 bucks, please!

The internet access may cost you hundreds of dollars and it will not even work that well. You will pay for fitness classes, shore excursions, spa treatments, and many more. You may end up without any budget for off-the-ship expenses.



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