The Best Swimming Rules That Will Save Your Life

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The Breaststroke: This is another good exercise to try ! You just need to hold on with your hand to a swimming board or grab the poolside and start to spread both your legs outward and back in different directions.

Every time you do this, don’t forget to bend your knees and push forward. When you master this technique, you will notice that you can push with much power than before! You will look like a frog, but that’s fine as this is how you supposed to look!


Learning To Use Your Arms

Learning To Use Your Arms

© Best Swimming

They say that practice makes perfect, so if you master the previous exercises, this one should be a piece of cake! Here are some good exercises to try in order to be able to move your arms confidently and rhythmically.

The crawl: Start moving your legs exactly how you were taught in the previous slide and at the same time move your arms alongside your torso and begin lifting them over the water creating half circles. Keep moving your arms in such a manner while paddling in sequence.

To enjoy the exercise, you can also turn to your front and paddle using your arms one after the other in half circular motions. Remember to breathe in when your arm rises and try to coordinate the movement of your arms and legs.

When you feel confident, you can jump on the next level by pushing forward with your legs, stretching your arms forward as if they are an arrow and then again spread your arms out in a half circular motion, bring them together again at your breastbone, and then again start all over again. Always make sure to keep your head raised above the water.


Treading Water

Treading Water

© Pinterest

Once you manage to do all the previous exercises perfectly, you will feel more confident and you will be able to feel how liberating is the swimming experience. However, you still have so many things to learn. For instance, You need to learn how you can tread water vertically!



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