10 Fascinating Facts About Different Countries


Last Updated on February 5, 2021

8. The Great Wall of Rice

One of China’s greatest icons, the Great Wall, has its historical, architectural, and tourist importance. There is over 20,000 km of extension with an average height of 7 meters and a width of 5 meters. It’s among popular tourist attractions in the country; the Wall receives about 50 million visitors annually. When studying the composition of the dough used in the construction, researchers at Zhejiang University in China noticed something unusual mixed with lime and water: sticky rice. This would be the first composite mortar, which included organic and inorganic material and was used to fix the bricks in the construction.

9. The Highest Concentration Of Biodiversity

When thinking about Australian fauna, the kangaroo appears as an “animal symbol”. Many people don’t know that this country is home to around 10% of all the world’s biodiversity, according to government data, in a total of 1 million different species. Australia is home to a large number of marsupials, such as the koala, the most poisonous snakes in the world, saltwater crocodiles, and even a mammal that has a duck’s beak and lays an egg, the platypus. The peculiarity of the animals in the region is certainly a differential among the world’s tourist attractions.

10. Water with the power to prolong the time

It is known about the potential of a hydroelectric plant in the generation of electric energy. But it is not known that depending on its size, it is even able to extend the length of the day. This is the case of the Chinese Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest hydroelectric: it can increase the length of the day by 0.66 microseconds for containing a large volume of water. The Three Gorges project can prevent flooding, generate energy, and facilitate river transportation, which is why it plays an important role in China’s socio-economic development and is seen as one of the most impressive Chinese tourist attractions. The tourist attractions recommended by the agencies and guides are known from start to finish. They usually range from iconic historical monuments to beautiful natural landscapes.


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