5 Common Travel Frustrations And How To Avoid Them!


Last Updated on January 31, 2021

3. Jet lag

Jet lag is the enemy of all human species; after all, how do you expect your body to react when you spend many hours traveling, then arriving at a destination with a different time zone? That adjustment period you have to go through is the travel frustration we all wish never existed. There may not be a cure for jet lag, but there are a few things you can do to decrease its effects: try to sleep at a reasonable hour the night you arrive to help your body adjust itself to the new time zone. And if possible, don’t plan anything important on the first day you are there. Let it be a day to rest and sleep as much as you can!

4. Budgetary concerns

It’s scary to find yourself on a tight budget in a completely strange country, which might be possible when you add it up to the cost of flights, activities, food, and so on (unless you are rich!). Many people decide to go crazy on their vacations, but they go back to their lives they can’t afford anymore. This is one of the travel frustrations that may cause you not to enjoy your trip as suppose to, cut down many things, and end up not having the full experience. The solution is to never jump in without knowing where you are standing first. Figure out your travel budget, plan everything, and don’t forget your life after returning. For example, instead of booking a hotel room, try Couchsurfing when you get to crash on someone’s couch, and instead of fancy food, try local!

5. Getting scammed

Scammers are everywhere and travel scams are very common! Travel to the end of the world, and you might still end up being scammed. Those evil people prey on tourists by using their naivety of the culture to get what they need. And side note, they are incredibly smart! Some may even invite you to a club then lead you to pay a massive bill. It wouldn’t be a bad idea if you looked up all the typical scams that occur in the country you are visiting and be always careful with anyone acting too friendly with you. After all, when you take a vacation, make sure to get the most of it. Handle all those travel frustrations calmly and smartly, minimize your stress, and then have fun!!


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