5 Easy Steps To Make Your Suitcase Last


Last Updated on January 20, 2021

Do you still remember how it feels to travel? How to pack a suitcase and how to book a hotel room? It’s been so long staying at home that we even forgot where the airports are located. But things are getting better and, hopefully, this year will be the year when we get to go to all of our bucket-list travel destinations. Imagine being very excited because, finally, you are off to your new adventure but then a nightmare strikes. Your suitcase breaks down! You should do your best to avoid these situations by learning how to maintain your luggage bag and care for them – It’s very simple! Stretch the life of your suitcase for years with these 6 easy steps.

1. Get a durable suitcase

The first step is to buy a durable suitcase from durable brands to ensure your luggage bag will not break easily and can withstand the heavy luggage, different weather conditions, and all the difficulties that come with the traveling process. Look for hard-sided, polycarbonate suitcases because they don’t rip like other soft-sided bags. Plus, it can be squeezed into any car’s trunk without deforming. A durable suitcase will also have a firm handle and high-quality zippers that provide a long service time, and the wheels better not be externally mounted because those are more likely to snap off.

2. Don’t overpack

The 2nd step is to avoid overpacking your suitcase as much as possible! It’s difficult because we all have this habit of packing as many outfits as possible, even if it’s only a weekend getaway. When you overpack, there will be many damages and put pressure on the fabric seams or the zippers, so learn to use your luggage space smartly and efficiently and make the packing process easy. If you have to sit on your suitcase to get the zipper done, then you are doing it wrong!

3. Keep your suitcase clean

You never forget to do your laundry after your vacation is over, right? Then why your travel suitcase gets ignored? It’s very important to clean your suitcase regularly or the dirt will gradually degrade the fabric of your luggage bag. Do you know how to clean a suitcase perfectly? Easy, just mix vinegar and water together they wipe it all down. Since your suitcase has been sitting on a shelf for more than a year now, you can bring it out a few days before your travel and vacuum it out. Always read the care label that is included with the bag! P.S: make sure the luggage bag is completely dry before you put it away.


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