10 Lessons You Learn By Traveling Solo


Last Updated on December 30, 2020

6. You embrace solitude

Loneliness or solitude? This will depend in part on how you will deal with yourself. Loneliness is a feeling common to human beings, usually associated with suffering and pain. It has already inspired several poets in its verses and has been a central theme of songs, and has its own history. Already feeling the loneliness is spending a few moments alone and not suffering from it, but above all enjoying the company itself. The traveling alone experience can generate either or even both. This will depend on how your relationship with yourself is. If you like to be alone, feel good in introspection, it will be like one of those moments. But if you feel very bad, it may be interesting to adopt introversion practices such as meditation or the arts (painting, drawing, music, among others).

7. Live more with less

Unless you are rich, you had to dispose of or abandon various belongings, such as clothes and less important personal items, for a time when you decided to travel. But what that experience taught you was precisely to appreciate the simplicity of life. And it can have such an influence on you that you develop the habit of going to the essentials and being content with just what is necessary. The benefits of adopting a minimalist lifestyle are many, and many of them have everything to do with travel. One is greater freedom. With less stuff accumulated around you, you gain mobility, power, and more space. Another is greater empathy. After all, minimalism is a behavior that makes people more important than the things they have.

8. Be more patient and respect timing

Some say that the Internet Age, the real-time phenomenon, and the expansion of live streams, through the new technologies of communication and information, has generated impatience in the new generations. Appreciating a beautiful landscape without taking a photo and posting it on social media already seems like your uncle or grandfather’s behavior. Traveling alone for the first time involves waiting and waiting. From the issuance of your documents up to that stopover, you had at the airport. But it also involves relating in a different way to time, respecting the rhythms of nature, places, and people. Are you willing?



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