The 7 Exotic Beaches That Were Destroyed By Humans


Last Updated on November 15, 2020

There is nothing like going to the beach and enjoying wonderful moments on the sand or by the sea and enjoying a beautiful sunrise or sunset. It is, without a doubt, one of the most pleasant and relaxing activities that you can experience alone or in the company of friends and family. And, in addition, there is no shortage of idyllic locations with stunning beaches all over the world. However, some people do not know how to take care of the most precious thing we have. We are talking about the extraordinary beaches that are part of our planet – the greatest natural wealth at our disposal. Every year, they get destroyed by beach pollution caused by humans. Beach pollution made by humans should be a crime because people who go to the beach and purposely leave their plastic bottles, potato chips, yogurt bottles, canning containers, and other types of garbage should be punished. And that is what you feel like doing when you see how the most beautiful beaches in the world are devastated after the passing of some human beings. Meet 7 extraordinary beaches destroyed by beach pollution made by humans and tell us whether or not you agree with a fair punishment for this type of person.

1. Kuta Beach – Bali – Indonesia

The island of Bali is located in Indonesia and is one of the most extraordinary and well-known locations in the world. The magnificence of its volcanic mountains full of forests is only matched by the beauty of its beaches and coral reefs. However, this is not exactly what happens at Kuta Beach, one of the most popular and visited destinations on the island. Kuta Beach Bali, as it is known, is covered in garbage, which contrasts clearly with the region’s splendid image. And this is due to the pollution caused by humans. This is a real attack on the fauna and flora of the ocean, which constitutes a serious danger to the survival of animal life. It is noteworthy that the local authorities declared a state of emergency after seeing that the volume of plastic on the beach was threatening the economy and local tourism, as 100 tons of garbage were daily removed from the beach.



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