10 Things That Should Never Be Done At The Beach

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Everyone wants a smooth skin while at the beach, especially girls. But shaving before heading towards salty waters is not a good idea at all because your skin will get irritated and you will be suffering from razor burns.

All the small cuts that you don’t see will be triggered and will cause irritating pain and ugly red bumps. So it is best to shave 24 hours beforehand, and don’t forget to moisturize deeply afterward.



Forget sunscreen

Forget sunscreen

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Again, we don’t have to explain the dangers of skin cancer, but people still go all the way for the sake of getting a beautiful tan. Sunscreens are very important, and your olive skin will only last for a couple of days, maybe a few weeks, but skin cancer will stick around for the longest time.

Plus, the sun contributes to early signs of aging, like wrinkles and dark spots. When it is vacation time, we mostly don’t care about our health or other people as much as we do about enjoying our time.

Yes, there are only a couple of days of “summer vacation” and you will be back to the routine, but your body will be back with you carrying all of your good and bad decisions. Be smart, enjoy your life to the fullest, and don’t annoy people!




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