Here Are The 10 Most Mysterious Lakes in The World

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

But there are ways in which nature reacts and these reactions don’t seem to have something to do with climate change. This could be applicable to the horrifying lake of Brosno In Russia.

The locals believe that there is a hidden lizard in the lake, but its seem that the scientific studies to which the lake was subject did not unveil such a thing.

Perhaps, the vast depth of the lake has led the locals to form their legendary tales about an existing, ancient monster. The gases released from the lake can turn a boat easily on the surface.

Lake Karachay in Russia


This is another horrifying lake in Russia with a long history of mystery. The sources of water pollution must have deeply affected the lake in question, for it is regarded as one of the most polluted sites worldwide.

If you sit in its shore to get a tan, you will not be saved from the dangerous radiation poisoning that can make you go through a slow and painful death. Back in the 1950s, the lake was exploited as a site to get rid of the liquid radioactive waste.

Nowadays, the lake’s water is noticeably falling, unveiling it radioactive hazards. The Russian government tries to reduce groundwater contamination and radiation levels.

Boiling Lake in Dominica

©Charismatic Planet

If you are wondering about whether the lake boils or not, the answer is yes, it does, and that is why it is named the boiling lake. The Boiling Lake is located in the Dominican Republic.

According to scientific reports, the heat temperatures in the lake can reach 197 degrees Fahrenheit (92 C°). Any living creatures that fall in the lake can be literally boiled and cooked in a matter of minutes or even seconds.

Given the high recorded temperatures, there is a thick cloud of white steam. The swimming activities in the lake are banned. Additionally, the fact that it is situated in a volcano’s crater contributes to keeping the temperature high.

Lake Pustoye in Russia

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