What Useful Tips Can Flight Attendants Share With You?

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Packing your suitcases effectively


Once you start packing, remember that you need to keep your bags light to facilitate your journey. So make sure you get only what you need in terms of valuables, clothes, and footwear.

In fact, before packing, check the weather in your destination and upon which you will know what to pack exactly. Packing effectively is not really related to having large suitcases, but rather how you place your stuff in.

Instead of folding things as you would usually do, roll your stuff up to have more space for other things. It is a question of organization which will always enable you to add a few extra things.

Getting always a free breakfast


Some airlines offer their passengers a complimentary meal, but you may not be able to make it. According to a flight attendant with 1-year experience, you can ask for a snack and sack lunch in advance.

This does not mean expecting a luxurious grain free vegan breakfast because all that you are going to get is a piece of fruit and a water bottle.

If you, at any chance, felt hungry on your next flight, you could simply ask for an extra sandwich from the cabin crew, they certainly will not hesitate to help get something to eat. The crew will be pleased to get an extra bag of pretzels or a whole meal at the end of the service.

Follow the top 11 travel tips above to enjoy a smooth and comfortable journey. Just make sure you pick the right place where to spend your holiday and the right airlines to fly with. By the way, summer is almost here, planning for any exciting trip?



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